Monday, January 14, 2008

First Days in Paris!!

Bonjour!!Everything en route to Paris went really smoothly! I have met all the participants and directors/coordinators of the program. Everyone is so nice! I lived in the hostel with the rest of the participants (just a 10 minute walk from my school/centre). My roommate, Kelley, was from New Jersey and studied in London last semester. She is really sweet and I have also met really cool girls and boys in the program. We have gone out topractically everymeal and had really great wine and food. We all try to speak French as much as possible and are getting better all the time. We took our language test two days a ago and were placed in our Intensive Language Program groups for next week. We have 3 hrs of hardcore French monday-friday. we also get to meet our professors at the wine and cheese meet and greet on wednesday.This cute girl, Alanna, from Providence and I went running yesterday morning. We went from our hostel,through the Tuileries, down the Champs Elysees and around the round about that circles l'Arc de Triomphe and back. It was 7:30, but still very dark out b/c i think the sun rises around 8:30. We were two of the few runners that morning and mainly Parisians rushing to work. It was so nice! Beautiful lights and the weather wasn't too cold at all. I am having the best time ever! we went on a walking tour and saw the Notre Dame, had a French-speaking tour guide who told us all the hoistory and stories of the city. SO cool. I also went to the Louvre, but only for about 1 1/2 hours b/c I have already been there and will be getting an unlimited pass to go whenev i want again this semester. Everything we do and everywhere I go I have to stop and pinch myself just a little bit to make sure it's all real...I am actually living in Paris and actually doing this. I have almost figured out le Metro system and look so cute in my ballet flats, black sweaters, and red pea coat. the French girls are incredibly chic and stylish! My school is in the fabric district so there are tons of cute boutiques and designers' offices around. This evening I am moving into my host family's house and I am so nervous/excited! I have no idea what to expect! I am practicing such phrases as "thank youfor having me in your home" and "where is the can opener?" Love you all very much--I hope everything is well! I'll talk to you again soon!Chloé


Unknown said...

I love your blog!!! We'll read it every day. We love you. Di and Tom

roxy said...

how exciting! you are too cute!

love you,

Shelley said...

I'm SO glad you have a is awesome. I'll be checking it daily!! We love and miss you! Shel and gang

Eeps and Barb said...

WOW! You are so Awesome! Now you have us blogging! and just learned to text! Have a great time! We'll check your blog daily. Love You.