Monday, February 25, 2008

Funny Frenchisms

This will be a rolling list of things I find funny. According to the French:
1. black and brown do match
2. white shoes go with anything, at anytime of year
3. iced beverages do not exist
4. ham trumps chicken and turkey
5. peanut butter is extremely rare and expensive
6. stale bread is ok
7. police officers rollerblade
8. rollerblading is masculine
9. so are Longchamps bags
10. two heterosexual and grown men may ride together on a motorcycle
11. eggs need not be refrigerated
12. milk is always whole
13. when walking your dog, leash is optional
14. a grassy patch in a park is no place for sitting, playing, or doing sit-ups
15. tax and tip are included
16. accidental eye contact with a boy on the metro="please come talk to me and ask me for my number"

1 comment:

Di said...

FUNNY --- no sitting on a patch of grass in the park??? London px were great. Can't wait to see you.
love you. Di