Thursday, February 14, 2008

J'aime aujourd'hui!

February 13, 2008
Ah! Today was the best day. I woke up and headed over to le marché on Place Monge. So cute! I was a little intimidated at the meat and fish counters, but I did buy fruits and veggies. I was just really proud of myself for finding my way there on foot (only a 20 minute walk) and ordering in French (even though a whole kilo of carrots is too much lol). I caught the metro to school because I wanted to use the internet and I booked my tickets (en train!) to London! I am so excited! Jayda (studying in Switzerland this semester) is meeting me here and coming with me from Paris and Eren (studying in Madrid) is meeting us there. My buddy, Consalvo (studying in Cambridge) is also coming into the city for the weekend. I am going to try to meet up with my friend, Vic, from high school who is going to grad school at Oxford. I know, right, how cool is she? We are going to try to see “Wicked” also while we are there. Could life be sweeter?
I came home, used Madame’s salad spinner to wash my lettuce, did some Art History reading, and then took a run (aaah best part of the day). I almost didn’t go because my shin is a POS and has been giving me problems lately, but today it was good! I went my normal route across the Seine (!) but turned left for a change, ended up on a little footpath that ran right along the river! I was this close to being in the water (I am making a small space between my forefinger and thumb right now) and a Bateuax Parisian, those tour boats, even floated by me! I wouldn’t suggest it though because the cobblestones were a little awk to run on. I randomly came across a little park that I have seen from the Metro window, there were a lot of young kids and musicians sitting on the grass looking out over the Seine and playing music, I continued on and found myself at the Bastille (!) next to it there were a bunch of skateboarders pulling tricks on a slab of cement. I crossed back over the river and followed a directive sign towards Place d’Italie (chez moi) and ran smack dab into the Jardin des Plantes—oh what a happy surprise! It is known for its botanical gardens, the Grande Gallerie de l’Evolution and three other natural history museums. Supposedly Paris’ oldest tree is in here somewhere, too. I ran behind this older man in short shorts for awhile and then took a steep hill up and around some sort of monument—I was smiling the whole time because the park is just breathtaking…I can’t even imagine what Spring will be like. I found my way out and figured out my way home from there. Oh it was just such a glorious day—plenty of sun, yet perfectly chilly. L O V E L Y.


Di said...

What an awesome day!!! I can't believe you are learning your way around so well! I am going to get my french book out today and start my crash course .. so we can chat :) love you, Di

Mom said...

Darling-I love your blogs. You are such a good writer; you make the whole wonderful colorful experience come to life. Thanks for sharing it with us. I too better get on my parlez-vous. I do know the words and the tune and am not afraid to sing alone, "Allons Enfants de la Patrie...

Shelley said...

Salut, Chloe',
J'aimerais ce jour, aussi ! J'adore your blog!!

SAL said...

I can't believe I remember my French! I love your stories. I can just see them. Feel like I'm there. Can't wait to hear more.