Monday, April 14, 2008


My program went to Nîmes in the south of France for the weekend. We took a train from Paris and immediately put on our shades when we got there;) We were all so happy to be in a warm climate--people were wearing sun-dresses and flip-flops! We had a great lunch the first day and then met up with a tour guide to see the coliseum, Arènes, e climbed to the top and learned about the gladiators and wild animals that used to battle there. They also used to have bullfights there. It's crazy to me that the bulls actually die at the end of the fights! (even in modern-day fights)
We went to the center of the village and just as we walked past this church there were wedding bells and we saw the newlyweds coming out of the church:) The Roman architecture of the town was beautiful.
That night at dinner we had foie gras (i know, i know) and afterwards went to a bar called Victor Hugo.
Sunday morning we went to the aqueduct nearby, Pont du Gard. It's settled in the hills and it was great to be outside climbing on trees and hiking around. (Mom, you'll be happy to hear I did a little meditation while we were up in the hills surrounded by nature.) Then we had this great lunch salmon cakes and a beef dish (turned out to be bull...?) in a big white tent with colored paper lanterns and a great view of the river and mountains. It was incredible.
On our way back to Nîmes, we stopped at the Haribo museum--they make gummy bears--and toured around there, got some tasters etc. I also stopped in a little shop that sold souvenirs and made their own honey and jams. They had orange and chestnut wines!
My roommates in the hotel (Amy, Audrey and Hayley) were really funny and each night people came over to our room and we all stayed up laughing, telling stories and hanging out till late.

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