Thursday, April 10, 2008

Un super séjour avec ma famille!

My parents got into Paris on Thursday morning but because I had class I couldn't meet up with them until 5 that evening. I also met Eren and Lauren at the Opera House to see them once more before they left. We started with wine, cheese and bread at the hotel, then we went to a cute fondue restaurant nearby! For some reason I was the only one who actually ordered fondue, but everyone tried a little. J’étais trés heureuse de voir ma famille. They were all so cute at their French attempts and looking to me to communicate to the waiter.
Friday morning I went to breakfast with Scott, Kristen and Brendan before my afternoon classes. Straight after class I hurried to my parents hotel for another wine and cheese happy hour (we enjoyed a good many of these). Tom had discovered the Monoprix (think a nicer Wal-Mart slash Target--with fresh breads and super cheap Bordeaux wines) and he kept a good stock of treats for us. My parents, Di and Tom were sooo sweet and took Scott, Kristen and Brendan out to a fancy pants dinner! We went up to Montmartre (everyone falling inline behind me as we zig zagged through the Metro stations and had to change trains 3 times! It was cool to show them around--I felt like such a chic Parisian) and went to a fabulous seafood restaurant. Di finally got some escargot and we all shared big trays of shellfish. Fun stories and really cool for me to introduce my friends to the fam! Us kids hung out at a bar in Montmartre for Kristen and Scott's last night.
Saturday morning I met the fam at their hotel and we went for a walk in the Jardin du Luxembourg. Di went for a run, Tom, KC and Brooke walked to the Marais. My parents and I took a stroll down St-Michel to see the famous fountain. It is of St-Michel who is the protector of France, slaying a dragon. It is also right in the middle of the Latin Quarter near the Sorbonne. It started to downpour as we walked though, so we stopped in a little café for some soupe d'oignon (French onion soup. They just call it onion soup here) and café au lait. Unfortunately my dad wasn't feeling well (the whole trip:( ! ) So he went back, Di, my mom and I did a little shopping and Di bought the most adorable coat. It is a periwinkle/gray/blue longish trench style but has 3/4 length sleeves with a bit of a ruffle. She also got a matching scarf! So chic. That night I got to take KC and Brooke out for a little while and introduced them to some of my friends:)
Sunday=Happy Easter in Paris! Most unconventional Easter ever! We went to the Musée d'Orsay (the Impressionist painters) and I had a great time explaining the paintings I have learned in my Art History class. They really enjoyed the Manets and Degas. I think Tom liked the pointillism paintings. Afterward, we had "Easter Brunch" at a falafel restaurant in the Jewish district (the Marais). The place was bumpin (as always on Sundays) and we got a table for 7 right away! The waiters (ours especially) were fun and we all marveled at their teamwork. One would put something in the microwave and another would come up just in time to grab it. They also seemed about a minute from colliding into each other and spilling falafel balls and french fries (just plain frites here ;) ) everywhere. We were beat after that and just hung out at the hotel. I met Audrey at a café for some vin chaud that evening.
The Monday after Easter in Paris (and probably all of France) the city shuts down. Besides tourist attractions and a few stores, nothing is open. We were lucky to go to le Louvre! Oh man it was packed. I can't imagine what the actual "season" will be like because man it was crazy in there. Especially the Mona Lisa room (salle de la Jaconde) which is pretty overrated but definitely a must-see. I really enjoyed the Egyptian art and the Persian rooms were something I didn't think I would be into but thought were soo cool! My parents really liked the Flemish paintings I think.
Afterwards we had pizza at a place off Chatelet (short walk from le Louvre) and did a little shopping at H&M (huuuge European clothing store that has recently opened chains in the U.S.)
That evening I needed to work on schoolwork (yes, it's true, I do attend classes in Paris!) so the whole gang went with me to a nearby café. Les Patios was just off the Place de la Sorbonne and there was this great little bluesy swingy jazzy singer and her trio in there! I wrote a poem in French and had some wine with my loves. It was such a great ambiance--low lighting and beautiful songs. The singer was awesome (cute and little) and obvi my family was a great add to the evening.
Tuesday I had class all day! boooo. So I only got to meet the fam for a quick lunch on their way to exploring the Latin Quarter. That evening we did a really nice dinner at Bouillon Racine (a Belgian restaurant near the hotel) that Eemaw and Eepaw had been to when they were here :) The food was awesome (I had duck mmm think I can get enough while I'm here?) and once again the service was funny (it was "pas possible" for us to sit upstairs)
Wednesday the gang went to Versailles and I worked on a midterm paper. That evening Momma and Dad got to meet Madame! H I L A R I O U S. Like I've mentioned, she doesn't speak a word of English. And as you can guess, my parents are a little rusty on their French (although Mom did try to throw in some Spanish words here and there). Madame was wonderful. She brought out little sandwiches, cookies, cakes and olives and different kinds of wine to choose from. Through my translating, they discovered a shared love of Jazz! Madame brought out a stack of all her jazz cd's and put one on for us! The parents loved this. She told them I was a hard worker and pleasant to have:)
This was their last night (we thought) in Paris so we went back to the hotel to say goodbye to Di, Tom, KC and Brooke.
(American Airlines failed to inspect their planes so my parents got to stay one more night in Paris! I spent the night with them at their airport hotel! Not bad!)

1 comment:

Di said...

Boy, you said it all!! We LOVED Paris and our personal tour guide/translator!! Except, what do you mean "attempts" at French?? We weren't fluent?